Reduce stress, be healthier.
Understand and manage stress
Understanding stress is the first step to managing it.
Understanding how stress affects your body and brain gives you control over your response to potentially stressful situations. We offer practical tools for controlling stress backed up by easy to digest evidence-based information.
Control over stress eventually builds resilience - the ability to bounce back from tough situations.
Our goal is to help you control stress, build resilience, and live a better life.
Did You Know?
The brain develops rapidly during the first 1000 days of life (from conception to ~2 years) and forges life-long connections with other bodily systems. Many aspects of adult health and disease can be traced back to events during the first 1000 days. Exposure to excess stress is one of the most well-documented early life events with long-term consequences for adult health.
managing stress across the lifespan
At Fit Brain, we offer workshops and other events that provide information and tools specific for each life stage to help you manage stress. It’s never too early or too late to learn about stress and to start building a toolbox for handling it.
We have specific offerings for those important periods - prenatal, pregnancy and infant hood. Pregnancy is a unique life stage during which the physiology of the mother directly impacts the growing fetus. Managing stress during pregnancy, for one/both partners can exert life-long benefits for your infant.
did you know ?
Humans are connected to all other species and in some cases, our health and well-being is intimately tied to them. From plants that provide all of the carbohydrates (food) that animals use to bacteria that colonize our skin, our gut, and other areas of our body to play important and beneficial roles in health and well-being. We truly are one species among many and our lives are enriched by knowing that and appreciating it.
one species among many (OSAM)
OSAM offerings (coming soon) will combine education and fun skills-based activities for all ages to encourage feelings of kinship with other species. By fostering our connections to the natural world we can reduce stress and find peace and joy in the simple things.